Update: Passed
72.9% YES
Amendment H on the 2024 Colorado ballot, proposes changes to the state's judicial Discipline processes. With the establishment, this amendment would take on an independent judicial discipline board to handle misconduct. Judicial misconduct occurs when judges act in ways that undermine public trust in the court system including improper communication unethical Behavior and harassment. Judges can be disciplined privately or publicly depending on the misconduct.
What your vote means
Yes: A "Yes” vote would create an independent board of citizens, lawyers, and judges to oversee judicial misconduct cases. This change would allow misconduct hearings to occur earlier and share information with the public sooner.
No: A "No” vote would keep the current system or a panel of Judges conduct the hearings with cases staying confidential until sections are made public at the end of the process.
How are cases handled currently?
In Colorado, the Commission on Judicial Discipline investigates when judges are accused of doing something unethical. If someone files a complaint about a judge this commission looks into it to decide if the complaint is serious enough to act on. The commission is made up of members appointed by both the Colorado Supreme Court and the governor. They make sure the complaints they receive Are legitimate. If there is enough evidence that a judge has done something against the code of conduct the commission will investigate further and decide if discipline is needed. After completion is made the Commission on Judicial Discipline has four options
1: Dismiss the complaint
no action is further needed

2: Impose private discipline
punish the Judgment not make it public
3: Hold an informal hearing
decides what should happen
4: Start formal hearings
Held heavier in decision
What changes with Amendment H?
Amendment H would create a new independent board separate from the judges. This new board would be made of citizens attorneys and judges, appointed by the Colorado Supreme Court and Governor. This new way of handling the discipline process would allow for more transparency with the public in their access to information. Decisions made by this board would be considered final unless proof of legal or factual error upon appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court.

Cast Your Impala Ballot
The Impala Ballot is a polling system we plan to use to look at the issues our community cares about and where their feelings lie. These polls are in no way affiliated with any party in the area and the information will only be used by the Poudre Press and potentially PHS Government classes.
Amendment H: Are you planning to vote/want to vote for or against?
- Yes to Amendment H!
- No to Amendment H!