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Vote 2024: A High Schooler's Guide - Proposition 129, Veterinary Professional Associates

Updated: Oct 4

Establishing Veterinary Professional associates

What this proposes

  1. Create the state-regulated profession of veterinary professional associate in the field of veterinary care

  2. Outline the minimum education and qualifications required to become a veterinary professional associate.

In simple terms this is saying that the state will have the ability to create a new position in the veterinarian field and the state will have the ability to set the minimum education requirement of to be in that position.

The above table states what each role does and what the new role of Veterinary Professional Associate will do. it also states the minimum education required for each position and what the minimum education would be for being a Veterinary Professional Associate.

Argument for Proposition 129

  • Many Coloradans struggle to get veterinary care for their animals, especially in rural and agricultural communities. Allowing new veterinary providers to practice under state law may create more training and career opportunities for veterinary professionals, leading to expanded access. Veterinary professional associates could provide needed relief to overworked veterinarians, allowing them to delegate additional tasks and take better care of animals in Colorado.

The supporting argument for Proposition 129 talks about how this will bring more opportunities for training in this field. it also states that it would help take some of the pressure off the overworked Veterinarians allowing for the Veterinary Professional Associate to take some of the load of the Veterinarians after they have gotten the required training for that particular task.

Argument Against Proposition 129

  • The measure’s education and training requirements are vague and do not differentiate veterinary professional associates from existing veterinary care professionals. There are currently no academic programs for this profession in Colorado, so it is unclear when anyone would be eligible to work as a veterinary professional associate. Creating a new and untested profession could increase the risk for animals.

The argument against Proposition 129 talks about how the training requirements aren't very descriptive and that it isn't very clear what sets the role of Veterinary Professional Associates for the already existing role in Veterinary care. There would be no existing educational programs for this profession. this is untested and could lead to increased risk for animals.

Fiscal Impact for Proposition 129

  • State revenue and spending. The workload for the state board will increase to adopt rules, but spending for this effort is expected to be minimal. Once a population of veterinary professional associates exists, state spending will increase for oversight and enforcement of the new profession, and state revenue will increase in equal amounts from registration fees charged to associates.

The fiscal impact of Proposition 129 is that the state workload would increase but spending will be minimal. once the population of this profession increases they will increase for oversight and the enforcement of this new profession. the revenue of the state will increass in an equal amount to the registration fees charged to the associates.

What Voting YES Means to Proposition 129

Voting yes to Proposition 129 means that you are ok with the state creating the new profession of Veterinary Professional Associate. it also means that you are allowing the state to outline the minimum requirement of education to be a Veterinary Professional Associate.

What Voting NO Means to Proposition 129

Voting no to Proposition 129 means that you don't support the government creating the position of Veterinary Professional Associate. you also do not support the government to outline the educational requirements for the position of Veterinary Professional Associate.


Cast Your Impala Ballot

The Impala Ballot is a polling system we plan to use to look at the issues our community cares about and where their feelings lie. These polls are in no way affiliated with any party in the area and the information will only be used by the Poudre Press and potentially PHS Government classes.

Will you vote/do you want to vote for or against Proposition 129?

  • Yest to 129

  • No to 129



Fiscal: relating to government revenue, especially taxes.

Oversight: The action of overseeing something.

Revenue: The total amount of money brought in in a measured set of time



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