Welcome back to the Poudre Preview, where we give you a look at the upcoming week at Poudre every Monday. Make sure to check with us, and watch the Friday news to stay informed about events at our school. Let's make it a great week!

Monday: Today is Monday, January 20 and there is no school.
Tuesday: Today is Tuesday, January 21 and it is a B day.
Today is National Hug Day. So give a friend a hug
Students, next Friday Jan. 31 is registration and class rush. You will learn about classes offered for next year and make course requests.
FBLA members, there is a meeting this Thursday at lunch in room 225. If you cannot make it, please see Mr. Long to get the permission slips you need to complete.
Wednesday: Today is Wednesday, January 22 and it is a A day.
Seniors! Important! Make sure to pick the staff member who you’d like to hand your diploma to you at graduation. And, have you ordered your graduation cap and gown? Well- it’s time! See Mrs. Backurz in counseling for help with either task.
Students, next Friday Jan. 31 is registration and class rush. You will learn about classes offered for next year and make course requests.
eSports starts up a new season today, January 21st! Come meet in the library after school for more information and sign ups for our teams!
FBLA members, there is a meeting this Thursday at lunch in room 225. If you cannot make it, please see Mr. Long to get the permission slips you need to complete.
PSD Senior Scholarship application is due Friday Jan 24th by 4:30pm sharp.
Thursday: Today is Thursday, January 23 and it is a B day.
Students, next Friday Jan. 31 is registration and class rush. You will learn about classes offered for next year and make course requests.
FBLA members, there is a meeting today at lunch in room 225. If you cannot make it, please see Mr. Long to get the permission slips you need to complete
Friday: Today is Friday, January 24 and it is an A day.
Today is the deadline for the PSD Senior Scholarship application at 4:30 sharp.
Students, next Friday Jan. 31 is registration and class rush. You will learn about classes offered for next year and make course requests.
Teachers, please show the PHS News
Don't forget to check out the PHS News Today!