Tyler’s newest addition to his stellar discography doesn’t disappoint. Chromokopia is a masterpiece that will dive into topics largely relating to his own experiences growing and confusion surrounding relationships, romantic and sexual. Within the first song St. Chroma, what emerges is two characters that will remain a constant. Tyler himself states how he feels in the dark and the conflicting opinions on whether he should give up or continue following “the light” (Tyler, the creator). The other character is his mother who in St. Chroma states “Don’t ever … dim your light for nobody.” (Tyler, The Creator). What her sentiment creates for Tyler shows a heavy motivator is his life which will further contribute to the confusion Tyler feels. The character notably appears in “like him” and “I hope you find your way home.” Through the next two songs “Rah Tah Tah” and “Noid” continue a theme of paranoia, sheer fear. While claiming it's of everything Tyler stated in noid to “Never trust a bitch, if you good, they could trap you.” Tyler relates his fear between his father and him although not revealed until later on in the album. It is well established that the relationship between him and his father has been rocky to say the least revealed in his songs such as Ingloriouos and Answer. One of the hardest-hitting songs off the album like him relates to this relationship. Going from him as a young child wondering if he looks “like him” and what he is like. Arguably the biggest plot twist in the album and of Tyler's career comes in a voice message from his mother. Accepting fault for his fault saying “he always wanted to be there for you” Completely switches up his belief of anger towards his father. The anger and hatred burrowed within himself to alter his beliefs, a foundation he stood on. His belief about children and whether or not he would want any had to have been swayed by his absence of a father. If his mother allowed his father into his life would he hold the same opinion.
The other approach and takeaway one can get from this album is the way he talks about love, and relationships and how he grew to understand and navigate through them. A popular fan favorite, "Darling, I" its meaning has often been misinterpreted on popular TikTok trends. Believed to be a sweet song used as a way to show love to their partner while diving into the lyrics shows a message likely not conveying the same meaning. The meaning of this song is summed up in the line “How can I get everything from one person?” and how he “keeps falling in love.” The very pro-sex approach, disregarding a commonly held belief of monogamy being the only acceptable way. "Judge Judy,” challenges even more beliefs where he won’t “Judge Judy” for Judy’s sexual desires. The confusion that Tyler has faced going against the norm and how he doesn’t fit in the normal way.
Rounding the album out and wrapping up the themes proposed in this message is take your mask off and I hope you find your way home. It's the advice given to accept yourself. Accepting your background, your sexuality, and the way you act as a whole. In “Take your Mask” he repeats the message of “I hope you find yourself.” Given as an outside voice they hope that Tyler will find himself and accept who he is. He won’t be normal immediately. This message is extended into the final song of I hope you find your way home. The voice message from his mom has continued throughout the album. In this section, she's crying saying “I’m proud of you.. Never cease to amaze me.” Additionally wrapping up the intro when stating “Can you feel the light” she states “Do your thing, just keep, keep shining.” The entire time, Tyler was the light. The confusion in his early years of discovering himself and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel came from accepting himself. Accepting who he is, a message that can be extended out to everyone.
Turtle Modesitt is a junior here at Poudre, this will be his first year within the Poudre press. Playing as a wingback for the varsity soccer team. Outside of school, his interests include skiing, rafting and being outdoors. Post-graduation he plans on traveling the world and taking a gap year before eventually going back to school. Taking a large interest in school his column will dive into the meaning and influence of albums focusing heavily on the HipHop and RnB genres.