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Mo McClure
Dec 1, 2022
Social Media: Hurting or Helping?
TRANSCRIPT: Mo: Do you think that social media has impacted you in a good way or a bad way and why? Person 1: I think it’s a mix of both....

Mo McClure
Dec 1, 2022
History of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a tradition that has been around for a couple of hundred years now but it seems as though there is not a complete...

Mo McClure
Oct 31, 2022
The Story of Dracula
Stories of vampires have been told for centuries, especially about the famous vampire, Dracula. Although there have been many stories...

Mo McClure
Oct 24, 2022
History of Halloween
Halloween is a holiday that is celebrated by many countries around the world, and different versions of it are celebrated as well, but...

Mo McClure
Oct 20, 2022
Gender Inequality Crisis
The gender inequality crisis has been an ongoing issue for many years now and it is still a problem today. The wage discrepancy has...

Mo McClure
Oct 4, 2022
LGBTQIA+ Bullying is Not Slowing Down
With all the activism for LGBTQIA+ that is prevalent nowadays, people believe that this is causing a turn around for how people in this...

Mo McClure
Sep 27, 2022
How the Covid Pandemic Affected Mental Health
The Covid-19 pandemic was a major turning point for not only the United States but also the entire world. It caused a huge turn around...

Mo McClure
Sep 22, 2022
Turning Points: Interviews with the Poudre Community
TRANSCRIPT: Mo: Okay, tell me about a major turning point in your life. Mr. Rodriguez: A major turning point in my life, um, I would,...

Mo McClure
Sep 13, 2022
Bullying and its Effects: Interviews with the Poudre Community
TRANSCRIPT: Mo: Okay, have you ever been bullied and how did it affect you? Person 1: I have been bullied, not like, consistently but...

Mo McClure
Sep 9, 2022
Kindest Moments: Interviews with the Poudre Community
Mo: Okay, what is the kindest that thing anyone has ever said to you? [person 1 laughs] Person 1: I had a friend who told me I was a...
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