Preston Tucker ChristopherMay 13The Declassification of Homosexuality as a Mental Disorder in 1973Throughout the 20th century, homosexuality was seen as a mental disorder, with Gene Ampon having experienced being a ‘patient’ at...
Preston Tucker ChristopherMay 10Prince George, Duke of Kent and King Umberto II the Last King of ItalyThroughout history, many homosexual or LGBTQ+ royal individuals were not acknowledged. For Prince George, Duke of Kent, he was rumored to...
Edeker MerrittDec 14, 2022Local NewsClub Q Grieves Shooting, Remembers VictimsNovember 20th is a date that since 1999 has been celebrated as International Transgender Day of Remembrance. Remembering and celebrating...
Mo McClureOct 4, 2022Watashiato PressLGBTQIA+ Bullying is Not Slowing DownWith all the activism for LGBTQIA+ that is prevalent nowadays, people believe that this is causing a turn around for how people in this...